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Earth Day 2010

22ndApril is Earth Day. The Energy Club made it a little special by organizing an Eco Art Gallery and Green Science Exhibition at the admin foyer of PTEK.
The Green Science Exhibition (located in front of the Block E) showcased recycled materials combined with technology to create useful and creative equipment such as: Tin Can Robot, Robobug Soda Can, Bottle Catamaran, Amphibian Rover, Solar Oven, Solar Heater, Enviro Battery and Windmill Generator.

On the other hand, at the admin foyer, Eco Art Gallery showed the new Energy Club members showing their projects with topics such as Open Burning, Animal Extinction, Depletion of Ozone, Eutrophication, Nuclear Power, Littering and Causes of Global Warming. All in all, there were 7 groups which participated in the Eco Art Gallery. They were judged based on Creativity, Originality, Relevance, Presentation and Clarity.

The prize ceremony was held on a later date and the results showed the group with the project titled “Ozone Depletion” winning the best presentation while Eutrophication group won the prize for best art.

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