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Registration Day

Alhamdulillah, a successive PTEK Registration Day was held for three consecutive days from 7th February until 9th February. Numerous 'O' Level achievers walked proudly to our school hall to enroll themselves to be part of our beloved PTEK family.

A significant interest was seen towards a newly introduced subject, Design & Technology, despite the high demands of other competitively interesting courses. IGCSE English is also a newly introduced subject among the stand which is believed to help the upcoming students who have poor language skills to succeed with English 'O' Level before pursuing to the usual 'AS' level English Subject.

Overall, the number of students who have registered to PTEK within those three days exceeded over 450 pupils. This saw an increase from the number of students who have registered for the 2010 PTEK intake. The statistics clearly showed the importance of good education that the campus has to offer.

4 Responses so far.

  1. bila start sekolah lower 6th nya tu?

  2. i'm a newcomer :)

    and the principal told me that we start on the 28th Feb.

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