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O8-09 Senior’ Prize Presentation Ceremony

On 3rd April, an award ceremony for the best students in the November 2009 BCGCE A level examinations was held in the PTEK Multi-Purpose Hall. The guest of honour was the Director of Examinations, Hj Mohd Masa Masdi Bin Muhd Sai’dun.

The ceremony started with the singing of the National Anthem led by PTEK Choir Club members, followed by the recitation of the doa by one of the lecturers to bless the ceremony. The event continued with a speech of welcome by the Acting Principal of PTEK Hjh Rosni binti Hj Mohd Amin and a speech from the guest of honour.

A traditional dance was then performed before the prize presentation started.

The top achiever was Nuriyah Binti Awang Bagol of AE 16 who obtained an A in Accounting, Chemistry and Mathematics and a B in Physics. Following the presentation of her award, a further 27 students went up on to the stage to receive their certificates.

The ceremony ended with the presentation of a souvenir to the guest of honour and the recitation of the doa by Cikgu Awang Abd Tamin.

Pictures below showing some of the students who received awards:

Nuriyah Binti Awang Bagol of AE 16 proudly showing off her award

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