On Thursday 8th July, PTE Katok and its PTA organised the first annual jogathon at the centre. The guests of honour for the event were Pg Suhaimi Bin Pg Hj Bakar, the Deputy Director of Technical Education at the Ministry of Education and the Principal of PTE Katok, Cikgu Hjh Rosni Binti Hj Mohd Amin.
Front-left to right: Deputy Principal, Guest of Honour and Principal joined in with the rest of the students in the morning aerobic.
The female participants began at around 8.20 a.m. and ran 5 kilometres whereas the male participants had to run 7.5 kilometres. After the jogathon refreshments were given to the participants and, later, the students gathered at the Multi-Purpose Hall where prizes were given to those who had collected the most money. There was also a lucky draw for the first 400 students who finished the race early. In the teaching and non-teaching staff category, the teacher to obtain the most sponsorship was Awg Abd Rahman Bin Abdullah with B$316. The highest collector from the student category was Ak Mohammad Fadhullah Iskandar Bin Pg Mohd Suud who raised B$457.
A student receiving a prize from the Guest of Honour.
So far, the centre has raised B$14,155.52. Five per cent of this will be donated to DANA Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah, five per cent to the PIBG Fund and the rest is going to be used by the school. This amount will be for the Student Welfare Department and the Computer laboratory. There was also a fair which sold items ranging from food to clothes and flowers.