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Adventure Club - 3rd Extreme Challenge (17th June)

Warming Up!

The SEXY KAI and their guiders

The Mist

AJK Of Adventure Club from PTE Meragang

The participants went all around the school builidings in search of the correct colour of flags.



Star Jump
Push Up

This check point, where the participants search for the hidden colour paper, put together the colour paper where theres a letter each on it and figured out the letters and formed it into an english Vocabulary.

Checkpoint: Running 7 rounds on the track.

Check Point: Search for baloons and blow it until it explodes.

Bottle Fishing

Third Place: XTREME TEAM

Second Place: SEXY KAI

First Place: HEROES
They also handed in the $500 plus cash to Sir Lim that tehy get from the Charity Sale.

MORE Pictures and Updates,please visit http://www.adventureclubptek.blogspot.com/

Courtesy : Adventure Club Media Members (For the articles and pics)

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