8th Dec 09 – all the AC member have to awake at 4.30 am for Subuh Prayer.
Then breakfast - bread with margarine.
Then breakfast - bread with margarine.
After that we all went for a trip using two bus. Some of them brought their pillows to sleep in the bus.
At 8am, we arrived at the SOAS Hiking Hall and we were given a talk by about sports including rock climbing.
The most interesting part was the next activity which was rock climbing. Most of us were able to reach on top! YAY!
We headed to Tasik Lama at 11 am until 12pm. We just walked around, played in the playgrounds and took lots and lots of pictures!
Then we went back to the school n have a lunch – Lamb...!! nyum!
That afternoon the lower sixth member were split into 2 groups. Group 1 was instructed to organize a charity event and the other group had to organize an extreme challenge event. They were only given a limited amount of time and fortunately, both the groups made it on time.
Refreshment Committee
Medic Committee
Media Committee
Security Committee
Planner Committee
Religious Committee
The post as president goes to Nash and the VP goes to Khairi MPI.