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46th SEAMEO Council Conference and 6th ASEAN Education Ministers Meeting - Diner Reception and Cultural Night

On 28th January 2011, four prefects from the Bureau of Media and ICT and their ICT teacher, Ms Khadizah Ibrahim, were chosen as part of the event's participants where they were asked to prepare a backdrop for the dinner reception.

The event was held at Empire Theatre, Empire Hotel and Country Club and attended by all ASEAN Education Ministers who attended the 46th SEAMEO Council Conference and 6th ASEAN Education Ministers Meeting from 26th to 29th January.

During the night, the ministers were treated to a variety of cultural performances by different schools and sixth form centers as well as musical performances by SM Sayyidina Abu Bakar Choir and orchestra performances.

Although PTE Katok did not join any performances, however, by contributing a little to the event still give a greater impact not only to the event itself but to the school's name.

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COHORT 2's stay in PTEK.

We all know about the story of our cohort one students, but do you know what makes them different from the cohort two students? Well, first and foremost, the cohort one students were those selected in advance to experience the life of a sixth former due to their promising June GCE O’ Level as well as their Qualifying Exam results. Secondly, these cohort two students were only in school for about two weeks for which they've undergone study skills program.

Students getting ready to go to their respective venues

During the first week of the cohort two’s stay, lecturers no longer give an image of an orientation as a 24-hour long talk but instead they used a very smart approach; they inserted various activities for the students, ranging from light exercises, debates, self-introductions, fun quizzes, games and many more.

Their second week of staying was known as the ‘familiarization week'; involving a brief talk of every subject that was offered in PTEKatok for the students to consider, a tour around the school and a wonderful ice breaking session.

Learning reading skills.
Building up teamwork.

working on a group introduction

On their last day during their two week stay, the cohort two had a very productive and healthy morning; performing an energetic aerobic session that was lead by the teachers and fellow student councilors. The event was followed by a closing ceremony led by Cikgu Amal, the deputy principal. She gave a short speech that concluded the two week program that was designed for the students to prepare themselves for the challenges that A-level may bring them.

a group work - acting out a play.

Building the tallest tower

With that, the cohort two students returned to reality and face their future that determined whether or not they were accepted to PTE Katok or not.

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Hari Terbuka.

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011- Pusat Tingkatan Enam Katok telah mengadakan satu acara umum iaitu Hari Terbuka atau Open Day yang mana acara ini terbuka kepada orang ramai sama ada di dalam sekolah mahupun di luar sekolah.

Tujuan acara ini ada bagi memaklumkan kepada penuntut-penuntut yang ingin memasuki Pusat Tingkatan Enam Katok subjek-subjek yang ditawarkan di pusat ini. Subjek yang baru ditawarkan bagi 2011 adalah
subjek Design & Technology yang baru bermula pada tahun ini.

Penuntut-penuntut boleh mengajukan soalan kepada guru-guru yang hadir bagi setiap subjek mengenai kelayakan bagi mengambil subjek tersebut. Dalam masa yang sama, mereka juga boleh berjumpa dengan Bahagian Kerjaya untuk berbincang mengenai kombinasi subjek yang bersesuaian dengan kerjaya yang ingin dipilih.

Penuntut-penuntut dari sekolah-sekolah seperti Sekolah Seri Mulia Sarjana, Chung Hwa Middle School, Sekolah Menengah Sayyidina Hassan dan Sekolah Menengah Masin telah hadir kepada acara tersebut.

Dengan acara ini, ia akan memudahkan penuntut-penuntut bagi membuat pilihan yang tepat bagi pengajian mereka di Pusat Tingkatan Enam Katok.

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Jualan Amal bagi Sosiologi.


Penuntut – penuntut yang mengambil subjek Sosiologi di Pusat Tingkatan Enam Katok telah menganjurkan aktiviti pertama mereka bagi jualan amal mereka iaitu penjualan tiket wayang yang berharga 50sen sekeping kepada warga sekolah PTEK. Penjualan itu diadakan dari hari Isnin, 17hb Januari 2011 hingga hari Selasa, 18hb Januari 2011. Wayang yang dimainkan adalah kartun Disney ‘Up’ dan ‘Step Up 3D’ di bilik ‘Lecture Theatre’ 1 & 2. Hasil kutipan penjualan tersebut kemudian akan didermakan kepada SMARTER.

Seterusnya, pada hari Sabtu, 22hb Januari 2011, penuntut – penuntut Sosiologi sekali lagi mengadakan ‘Hari Terbuka Sosiologi’ yang juga bagi tujual amal, bermula pada pukul 10pagi hingga 4petang.

Berbagai – bagai aktiviti dan jualan diadakan seperti permainan PS3, jualan makanan dan minuman dan tidak ketinggalan juga dengan penjualan hamster. Hasil kutipan penjualan tersebut kemudian akan didermakan kepada SMARTER.

PTEK juga mengalu – alukan kedatangan orang luar bagi memeriahkan lagi suasana pada hari terbuka tersebut. Dengan kedatangan mereka, penjualan makanan seperti ‘spaghetti’ dan ‘hotdog’ telah laris dijual menjelang tengahari.

Jualan amal ini telah berjalan dengan lancar sehingga seorang penuntut mengatakan bahawa dia merasa seronok dan berharap aktiviti seperti ini akan diadakan lagi selalu.

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COHORT 1 Orientation

On January 8th, we warm-heartedly welcomed our cohort 1 juniors from various schools with open arms. All of the seniors of 2011 have been informed on the first day of school that there would be 76 qualified students who will be joining our centre while waiting for their O’level results.

The cohort 1 juniors were given briefing about the rules and regulations of the campus following a welcoming speech by the principal, Cikgu Hajah Rosni bte Haji Amin. The morning session was ended with the introduction of the Student Council Body presented by Sherlyanna Syutri and a tour around the campus.
The COHORT 1 juniors listening to the briefings attentively

A tour around the campus

Meanwhile, an ice breaking session was held in the afternoon. Various games and activities were arranged by several of our lecturers from various departments which to have been believed to get these juniors to get to know each other.

Some of the candid moments during their ice-breaking session

Their 3-days orientation ended smoothly with a closing ceremony where a representative from the COHORT 1 students delivered a speech expressing their gratitude. In addition, he also lead the school oath and finally, a prayer led by Muhammad Hadi wrapped up the whole event.

Reading the school oath.

Muhammad Hadi leading the closing ceremony prayer.

On behalf of PTEK family, we wish you all the best! :)

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Welcome back to school

Assalamualaikum and a very happy spanking new year 2011! Not to mention, welcome back to school!
2010 has been a roller coaster year. So let's re-live some of our bittersweet memories of 2010 with some short clips made by yours truly, Media & ICT prefects :)

Blood donation:

Jogathon Amal:

VIP Day:

His Majesty's visit:

Khatam Al-quran:

Once again, welcome back to school and may this year bring us more joy!

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