On Sunday afternoon, the 22nd November, the AE Islamic Students were having their Khatam Al-Quran Ceremony. The guest of honor was Yang Mulia, Awang Ibrahim bin Haji Abd Rahman dan Isteri, Pemangku Pegawai Tugas-Tugas Khas Kanan, Jabatan Sekolah-Sekolah, Kementerian Pendidikan.
The Khatam Al-Quran prayer was read by Abd Hakim bin Hj Roslan who is the NYDPI of the MPIs.
After that, the Takhtim was read and lead by the lower sixth girls.
Followed by the Dikir marhaban which was lead by the lower sixth boys.
During the marhaban, the khatam students walked around the hall while teachers and parents showered “Bunga Rampai” at them.
The Doa selamat was then read by Uztadz Hj Abdul Rahman.
The event ended with guests given refreshments at the school canteen.
Thank you to all MPPs, MPIs and prefects for helping and being involved in the said event.