V-Ball Practice
Would you like to build your self-esteem?
Miss Rohani Roslan & Miss Joyce Lee (English Department) are running a 3-days slf-esteem workshop during the holidays .
There are only 30 spots.It is a first come,first serve basis.Participants will undergo a selection process.Short-listed participants will be notified.
Registration will be from 2nd - 6th of June,sp please come and speak to these teachers personally.
Traditional Dance Club
Latihan menari pada hari Selasa 26 Mei 09,dari pukul 2.30 - 4.30 petang.Bertempat di bilik sumber Block G.Pakai baju sukan sekolah atau pakaian yang bersesuaian.
Attandance is cumpulsory.
V-Ball Practice
From 2.30 to 4.30
Tuesday and Saturday